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Od razu. Bez kosztów. Z pełną funkcjonalnością.
Z kontem na którym będziesz mógł kontynuować pracę.

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Podaj nazwę firmy która została podana przy rejestracji

Start for free, then choose the right plan




User limit: -

Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -



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Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -



User limit: -

Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -



User limit: -

Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -



User limit: -

Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -



User limit: -

Storage limit: -

Investment limit: -

You ask, we answer

What are the differences between the plans?

Regardless of the selected plan, you have access to full functionality. The plans differ only in the number of users, investments made and storage space available for your files.

What happens to my account after the trial period?

You just keep working on it. We don't have a DEMO version. Right away you get full functionality, so if you decide to purchase, you just keep going.

What payment methods are available for a subscription?

We care about your comfort. You can pay for D360 with PayPal payments or by ordering a traditional bank transfer.

How long after payment will the paid subscription be activated?

For PayPal payments, immediately after making and receiving confirmation of payment. In the case of a traditional bank transfer, at the latest on the next business day after the payment is booked.

How can I upgrade to a higher package?

All you have to do is login to the D360 developer panel and go to the available packages screen. Choose a new higher package for the next billing period.

Are there individual packages tailored to my needs?

There are packages that offer up to 25 users, 30 investments, and 10GB of storage. If you are a CEO who carries out more investments, employs more people and expects unlimited disk space, then write to: kozak@d360.pl

Flexible offer

D360 skaluje się do Twojego biznesu oraz Twoich potrzeb. Jeśli martwisz się, że nie poradzisz sobie z obsługą rozwiązania lub chcesz szybko wdrożyć nowych użytkowników, możesz skorzystać z dedykowanego wsparcia Premium.

60 minutes

up to 8 hours

PLN 199.00

consultation with a dedicated consultant

query response time


... and more if you need extra consulting hours.

PLN 199 / month

Check out the functionalities

Take advantage of support

when you want to quickly migrate your processes to d360

when you want to introduce a new employee to the system faster

when you are worried that the service will give you difficulties

when you value quick answers

Take advantage of the Premium Support package and stop worrying about the difficulties in use. For just PLN 6.63 per day.